cant believe my 2nd brother ask me,"is this ur new gf?"hahahah dude if this my new gf,everyday pun aku batal puasa looking her *bubs*pergh haahaha,well hari nih saje je tulis since its been a year + i've stop update stupidgolfish hahahah....and im in so fking bored since my geng2 at office dah resign,been working with them abt 2 years..somehow we became a close friends and more like brothers tiba2,when i came back from africa 2 dah takde aaarrgghhhh damn...waaaaa since they resign im abit confuse and blur whats my next step in this company suddenly it feels like everything turn to grey laaa,waaaaa....n now im knocking on the exit door,well nice meetin' u back readers n selamat berpuasa..moga puasa ini lebih baik dari ramadhan yang lepas,oh ya klaw ade salah silap hrap siampunkan lah ye...tho i've stop writing on blog im still the old ameer yg shoes fetish hahahah
amir... happy anniversary...
ko last update blog puasa tahun lepas... pastu br update, puasa this year...giler bersawang blog nih...
hahahha giler laa kalau tu aweks ko..
amir.... ko nak tackle becca ke? bestfriend aku punye adik kot. haha!!
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