Monday, November 9, 2009

high n dry

damn,i lost my touch n ideas...n it has been 3 weeks now gua kekeringan idea,currently gua ade 4 to 5 jobs utk pocket tepi gua..tapi gua kering idea,hmm skrg nih gua rase idea gua lagi kering dari sambal sotong kering mak gua heh,previously nih ade mamat singapore contact gua dia nak buat tattoo gua design criteria nye aqua..deadline mid of NOV,alallalala ape nk buat nih?gmbar nih emaild from minah jepun where i met her mase africa trip itu hari..agak hot jugak minah nih tapi gua brani nak tackle dia hahahah biase lah gua kan udang bab pompuan nih

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I sayang you.
I like you.

It's never an easy thing to say to someone you care.
But when you say it..

Would you bare all the consequences you're about to face later on?
Yes or No?

If it's a YES, definitely a good thing.
If it's a NO, bare the pain.

That is the consequences you have to bare.
In my case, the girl said "NO".

So I'm baring all the consequences now that is HURT.

take care of her,better than me

it feel weird

hello yello numero uno...hahaha 4-5 days to go for hari raya,waaaaahhh will miss ramadhan(indeed)...yesterday aku go for buka puasa at curve...with some office colleague at thai express(well that's not the interesting part of this post-but the foods there not bad lah*mite go again*)the best part of yesterday is during the buka puasa obviously theres alot of hot chicks walking around that area...well the best part is "almst all of them having sweet creamy body figure its totally dropping jaw scene to look at hahahha shit ah i try to refuse it but i just cant....but as a men-i must admit I DO LOVE THE TWINS,well after penat makan n coci mata haha..then decided to get my chocolate ass back home...on my way to car,met an old friend which for a while tak jumpa i think abt 4-5 years tak jumpa (mane hilang ntah mamat nih) kami lepak jap for a puff..while puffing look around for the chicka's again..then we saw a guy with his gf which i met dkat thai express tadi,the best about this particular dumb ass is dia puasa tapi pkai baju beer for buka,m not saying that im really good in practising ISLAM but then comon lah idiot!!wheres your common sense gone?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


cant believe my 2nd brother ask me,"is this ur new gf?"hahahah dude if this my new gf,everyday pun aku batal puasa looking her *bubs*pergh haahaha,well hari nih saje je tulis since its been a year + i've stop update stupidgolfish hahahah....and im in so fking bored since my geng2 at office dah resign,been working with them abt 2 years..somehow we became a close friends and more like brothers tiba2,when i came back from africa 2 dah takde aaarrgghhhh damn...waaaaa since they resign im abit confuse and blur whats my next step in this company suddenly it feels like everything turn to grey laaa,waaaaa....n now im knocking on the exit door,well nice meetin' u back readers n selamat berpuasa..moga puasa ini lebih baik dari ramadhan yang lepas,oh ya klaw ade salah silap hrap siampunkan lah ye...tho i've stop writing on blog im still the old ameer yg shoes fetish hahahah

Sunday, September 21, 2008

missing the rendang

ah-ha its been 22 days of fasting,to be honest with you guys i've succesfully shrink down...haha cant believe it!!....but nyway i think the slim look of me will only last till 3rd day of raya..haha.Haish cant wait for the rendang ayam and sambal lode+nasi impit+sambal kacang(ma masak).Speaking abt my lovely mom,she bought me a pair of baju melayu which i didnt knew when and how did she measured me and the best part is she did measure me quite well tho(i think thats the best part of being a mom they knew what you doing without looking at you) but she get me the wrong color for both....but nyway terima kasih ma.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

4th quarter of 08

its seems like we going to enter the 4th quarter of dragon year 08,i notice that loads of things happen in our bumi pertiwi (msia),shhhiish....what happening to us,against each other by defending personal point of view, what happen to the unity campaign? . Ah,i think we should stop or less thinking abt msia politics not saying stop being patriotic (dont get me wrong pal) and not being united,but it seems it's been more sensitive and fragile issue to talk abt but ya happy 51st MERDEKA to MSIA and im gald to be part of this country. Oh ya,just wanted to share with you readers,i just came back from UGANDA located at the center of africa region. Gosh,i was abit scared to get there on the first place(i must said),due to couple of days before the exodus from KUL to EBB,i watch the famous movie "the last king of scotland" damn its horrifying.But to be honest UGANDA! is a nice,peaceful,and sweet green country,i guess we should stop under estimate them neither other africa countries. Uganda its like 15 years behind msia but the people is much nicer then msian seriously,the culture is still virgin and haven't corrupt nor influence by the capitalist mentality even the forest is still green and virgin tho, no wonder UGANDA is the only country in globe which still having Silverback Gorilla the most protected ape in earth but i got no chance to meet the silverback heheheh......During the trip I got a chance to drop by to Jomo KENYATTA,Kenya and DOHA,Qatar...i'll talk about the trips to this two beautifull countries on next post.So,so long

to be continued

your truthfully
stupid goldfish